Senior Thesis: In With the Old
In With the Old is a digital photobook that explores Generation Z’s relationship with clothing from the past. In my early stages of research, I discovered that memories from past generations can be internalized within individuals— even those who may have never experienced that era. Because wearing old clothes can be an intergenerational transmission of memory, I wanted to explore youth cultures' interest in old clothing.
My interviewees provided a piece of their own, old clothing and explained its significance. While I began my project with the intention of photographing vintage clothes, I later realized that, “vintage,” is a multifaceted definition: a concept as unique as each individual I photographed. Through this, I learned that we all have our own individual relationships to our clothes. Although certain pieces in our closets may hold more sentimental value, each piece has its own story. Each persons’ answer touched on topics such as sentimentality, thrift shopping, heritage, and embracing unknown, unlived aspects of past eras. I photographed Gen Zers and their clothing with my 35mm film camera to parallel analog photography’s authenticity with old clothing.