Fall 2019
After following Tess into the basement of the Student Activities Building, I was taken aback by the visual overload that was the WCBN radio station: outdated concert posters, polaroids, and random stickers plastered the walls. I couldn't even tell what the color of the wall was. Surreal easter eggs –like a baby doll with a knife impaled in its head– scattered the entire station. Tess settled into the cozy recording room and wandered through the isles of wooden shelves with records, retrieving an Avril Lavine cd and Bruce Springsteen vinyl. As she was on-air, her dad called in from New York, and they had an in-depth conversation about Springsteen’s album Nebraska. I realized then that Tess’s passion for music definitely stemmed from him. Joining WCBN her freshman year at U of M, she graduated to becoming the vice president of the organization.
Overall, there is a nostalgic aura that surrounds Tess; she has a painting of Spongebob, Squidward, and Patrick Star’s dwellings hanging above her bed, enjoys taking photos on disposable cameras and listening to oldies hits.